June the 4th. Time is flying by. Not much to fill you in on, but trying to keep a record of this transitional time. Looking for work has its perks (not many), the main one being a lot of free time. So, in it I like to play Alpha Protocol on Xbox, snap some necks, shoot some bad guys, otherwise in quiet times I try to learn guitar, I can play some of my fav Placebo, Audioslave songs now as well as little ones by dido, avalanche city, johnny cash, and other fav songs like hurt, father and son, white Christmas etc. Getting better :)
Landed a job finally, Its a casual 4-6 week contract with a 4 hours a night doing market research, the good news is I got to work for 3 days, the bad news is the shifts have fizzled out. They said they'd call me. I'm staying optimistic but my bank is rolling it's eyes.
I've also put my name down on a number of 'extra' opportunities but not getting picked, I'd update my photos but I'm sans funds. Still, I hope for something or some job to turn up soon, if I'm another 'NO' closer to a yes then this employment field must be pretty barren of yes's. I've had department stores, sales jobs, courier places, and all sorts turn me down. I can see why others stay on benefits for so long. (I'm not btw, I don't qualify since my partner makes a certain amount which is BS but hey, I'm not in charge of the country)
Wifey and I visited One tree Hill yesterday for some 'us' time. A little disappointed there was no tree as such, but as I don't keep up with national history I'm sure I missed something somewhere. Anyway, was a good trip, below are some photos. (wife doesn't want me to share ones with her in it apparently)
Mt Wellington (home) from here.
Yes, I'm up to something ;)
Rocketman :)
Also, now that my little catch up on WWE (bought wrestlemania 28 and have a poster lol) is over I have been rewatching some favorite movies I had as a kid in a vain hope to emulate that experience with my own work. Over the past few weeks I have been watching Arnold films. He's just so cool!
I've watched Jingle all the way, True Lies, Total Recall, Last Action hero, Twins, Pumping Iron (doc) and Eraser lately, so now I'm off to hopefully buy copies of Predator, Commando and Kindergarten cop soon.
Growing up he inspired me as much as Stallone did, one of thing things I admire about him (not sure if mentioned this in a previous blog or not) is that he liked to set a goal and then conquered it. He wanted to be a bodybuilder, but not just any bodybuilder, he wanted to be the best in the world. They said no, but then he did and became 7 times Mr Olympia :) After succeeding in that he turned his attention to hollywood, they said no, your name is strange and you're too big, but putting in the same amount of work ethic and mental drive as he did in the bodybuilding field he succeeded in becoming a hollywood legend. :) after that he set his heart on politics, and become Governor of California for a number of years. The dude's my hero ;) I'm so looking forward to Expendables 2 :)

Watched Men in Black 3 yesterday night as well with Melody, It was really good storywise and the end was a nice happy twist, really proud of Jermaine's portrayal of the bad guy Boris (above) really funny, and good to see a kiwi actor keep his footing with legends like Will smith and Tommy Lee Jones, was some really cool effects in this film. Some of the jokes were flat but overall we had a really good time.
The Jeet Kune Do club opened up their new Gym today so I went to the opening and I'm really looking forward to training again. Gonna be a ring with ropes and everything, will probably catch some members with a sharpshooter for fun :) Oh well, just need to get the cash. On that note, I better go and look for jobs lol. Till next time, adios!
ps. I'm not angry about being unemployed, I think being broke now karma for later when I get rich (i'm sure of it) so like Donald Trump said ,"Don't get mad, get even" ;)