Now that the Nunchaku climax scene (feat Chris above) has been edited I had time to move on to attempt to fill the gaps of my short film, I shot some interiors on Friday with the 'fish' and the first fight scene with Knifegirl played by Izzy on Saturday, she looks the part, no?
She did great for he second time acting and I feel you guys will really enjoy her scene once you see it :) Nazim was the cameraman for the day and as with all my shoots, here's a couple snaps to commemorate a wrap. Guarantee all of us get famous one day, so some good pics to keep ;)

The Lighter
Nazims end of year school project stars 2 characters who bump into each other late at night and all is not what it first appears to be. I play adam and again I feel it's shot nice and shows something a little different from the normal action scenes I enjoy. We shot a small scene at his place Saturday night and the final image of the film is my favorite, when it's released I'm sure you'll agree :)
Emperor, Day 5
And today, Sunday I had a 5.30am call time down south in Otahuhu to shoot another convoy scene for Emperor. Today we shot it in a metal scrapyard and it was really exciting, seeing all the claw monsters pick up scraps of steel, swing it to the next pile and drop it.
A fun 10 hour day which is much better than the 14 we did last time. On Thursday at our Manakau shoot we wrapped with a 11.15pm finish and with no public transport (last train 9.38) I was forced to walk home through Mangere at 3am where I ran into a guy with a bottle in his hand, some islander about the same size as me but thicker, 21, paul/bolo whatever he called himself. Anyway, we talked then he asked me for shit (whatchu got?) and I said all i had was my phone (even though I had a camera, wallet full of cash, and other valuables in my bag). I knew it had taken a turn for the worse (I've been in this situation before in Hornby back home but got out of it without the need for violence - always seems to be the low socio-economic areas that have foolish guys like this) and I was thinking of how I should handle it. I know martial arts but it doesn't mean I can strike people if I feel threatened.
No, I wasn't going to hit him, I'd talk him out of this situation and not risk going to court because I had 'attacked' him. He told me 'This is south side bitch' I told him, 'I don't give a f*** if it's southside or m****f***** Northshore, my phone is worth 40 bucks and he's better off stealing someone else's, I got nothing, why else would I be walking from Manukau to Auckland at 3am if I had cash for otherwise? Did he want to get arrested for something as cheap as that? I told him I had met people released from prison who were saying how bad it was and the worse it gets and that he should think twice before going down this road, he's young, get a job, save some cash and do everything right. He wasn't budging. I looked around to see if anyone was around and and as soon as I started to look back at him the coward swung a bottle into my cheek and by the time i got up he had taken my phone and run off. No blood, just a swollen cheek and a shock. I looked around but of course the blow knocked my glasses off and I couldn't see anything in the the pitch black darkness. I searched for my glasses for 10 minutes than gave up the hopeless search. Coward never came back. I was hoping he would so we could fight fair if that's what he really wanted but he didn't, so I carried on up the road, glassesless and phoneless.
So no phone or glasses in the middle of night. Over half a city away from Home with No map, and wow. What a mission to get home! Anyway got stuck on the motorway, got a lift from a nice islander and then got a taxi from Hillsborough to home from another Samoan who's son was going to go to SAE too this year.as if it's god's way of telling me they aren't all like that and they're not. I've met heaps of smart Samoans who aren't into gang culture.
Anyway, that no hoper aside, I enjoyed my work this week on Emperor. Talked to many people during the waiting period, other extras who share what work and experience they've had on Spartacus, shorty and ads etc and talked other martial artists about the stunt game, MMA and my aspirations. I've talked to prop makers and spent time munching on the food! Today at the scrapyard we had homemade burgers of our choice and Neapolitan ice cream with lollies on top for lunch. Eggs, bacon, tomato, mushrooms, and toast for breakfast with Ribena. Yum :)
My favorite part of today was driving through the yard during a crane shot. I love crane shots, I look forward to seeing the finished film and fingers crossed for more next week.
Weekend conclusion.
Well, since I finished the shoot late today I didn't have a chance to film the middle action chunk which is basically a foot chase through city centre ended with a small fight on the roof of a tall building, I'll be shooting that tomorrow morning. Next week is all revision for our big exam on Thursday and of course. All our assignments are due on Saturday. I'm hoping to get new glasses on Saturday because I'm dying to watch Killer elite still, because I can't yet cos I can't see!
Also saw Game at Henderson Burger King, so cool but sucked cos my vision sucks without glasses, but no mistake it was him rollign with a crew that size and th LA star tattoo on his face. Gutted i missed the concert this year cos of cash issues but happy that since I moved to Auckland I been bumping into local or foreign celebrities more often. Surround yourself with likeminded people is the key to success, which is why I spend time with up and coming filmmakers/ actors/actresses and martial artists. Keeping the inspiration flowing.
Oh Time fish, what a mission. I might ask my course co-coordinator for an extension. Because there is no way I can make the deadline with these challenges. I'd rather hand it in a week late with points deducted with a decent effort then a half assed flick hastily edited together because of a deadline.
Bring on starting Chase and the end of my school year :)
Emperor, Day 5
And today, Sunday I had a 5.30am call time down south in Otahuhu to shoot another convoy scene for Emperor. Today we shot it in a metal scrapyard and it was really exciting, seeing all the claw monsters pick up scraps of steel, swing it to the next pile and drop it.
A fun 10 hour day which is much better than the 14 we did last time. On Thursday at our Manakau shoot we wrapped with a 11.15pm finish and with no public transport (last train 9.38) I was forced to walk home through Mangere at 3am where I ran into a guy with a bottle in his hand, some islander about the same size as me but thicker, 21, paul/bolo whatever he called himself. Anyway, we talked then he asked me for shit (whatchu got?) and I said all i had was my phone (even though I had a camera, wallet full of cash, and other valuables in my bag). I knew it had taken a turn for the worse (I've been in this situation before in Hornby back home but got out of it without the need for violence - always seems to be the low socio-economic areas that have foolish guys like this) and I was thinking of how I should handle it. I know martial arts but it doesn't mean I can strike people if I feel threatened.
No, I wasn't going to hit him, I'd talk him out of this situation and not risk going to court because I had 'attacked' him. He told me 'This is south side bitch' I told him, 'I don't give a f*** if it's southside or m****f***** Northshore, my phone is worth 40 bucks and he's better off stealing someone else's, I got nothing, why else would I be walking from Manukau to Auckland at 3am if I had cash for otherwise? Did he want to get arrested for something as cheap as that? I told him I had met people released from prison who were saying how bad it was and the worse it gets and that he should think twice before going down this road, he's young, get a job, save some cash and do everything right. He wasn't budging. I looked around to see if anyone was around and and as soon as I started to look back at him the coward swung a bottle into my cheek and by the time i got up he had taken my phone and run off. No blood, just a swollen cheek and a shock. I looked around but of course the blow knocked my glasses off and I couldn't see anything in the the pitch black darkness. I searched for my glasses for 10 minutes than gave up the hopeless search. Coward never came back. I was hoping he would so we could fight fair if that's what he really wanted but he didn't, so I carried on up the road, glassesless and phoneless.
So no phone or glasses in the middle of night. Over half a city away from Home with No map, and wow. What a mission to get home! Anyway got stuck on the motorway, got a lift from a nice islander and then got a taxi from Hillsborough to home from another Samoan who's son was going to go to SAE too this year.as if it's god's way of telling me they aren't all like that and they're not. I've met heaps of smart Samoans who aren't into gang culture.
Anyway, that no hoper aside, I enjoyed my work this week on Emperor. Talked to many people during the waiting period, other extras who share what work and experience they've had on Spartacus, shorty and ads etc and talked other martial artists about the stunt game, MMA and my aspirations. I've talked to prop makers and spent time munching on the food! Today at the scrapyard we had homemade burgers of our choice and Neapolitan ice cream with lollies on top for lunch. Eggs, bacon, tomato, mushrooms, and toast for breakfast with Ribena. Yum :)
My favorite part of today was driving through the yard during a crane shot. I love crane shots, I look forward to seeing the finished film and fingers crossed for more next week.
Weekend conclusion.
Well, since I finished the shoot late today I didn't have a chance to film the middle action chunk which is basically a foot chase through city centre ended with a small fight on the roof of a tall building, I'll be shooting that tomorrow morning. Next week is all revision for our big exam on Thursday and of course. All our assignments are due on Saturday. I'm hoping to get new glasses on Saturday because I'm dying to watch Killer elite still, because I can't yet cos I can't see!
Also saw Game at Henderson Burger King, so cool but sucked cos my vision sucks without glasses, but no mistake it was him rollign with a crew that size and th LA star tattoo on his face. Gutted i missed the concert this year cos of cash issues but happy that since I moved to Auckland I been bumping into local or foreign celebrities more often. Surround yourself with likeminded people is the key to success, which is why I spend time with up and coming filmmakers/ actors/actresses and martial artists. Keeping the inspiration flowing.
Oh Time fish, what a mission. I might ask my course co-coordinator for an extension. Because there is no way I can make the deadline with these challenges. I'd rather hand it in a week late with points deducted with a decent effort then a half assed flick hastily edited together because of a deadline.
Bring on starting Chase and the end of my school year :)