December/January didn't hold much careerwise, just focusing on learning the job,
now that I know how to do it I've started work on the Chase rewrite. I
sat down with an Indian Actor who is making moves at the moment and he
is keen on the film providing he gets more screen time, so I've had to
change a few things so now it's back to the original buddy film idea. Here's his IMDB profile anyway. He's professional and easy to get on with so if all goes well (our schedules, financing etc) He will be the co-lead of Chase. I'm also looking at Lee Ah Yen who I worked with back in a couple of student films Last year at being the villian but again, thats subject to his availability as he's been mad busy recently which I congratulate him on :)
Unti then I'm chilling like this guy and working on the script :)
In December I was looking at testing out the canon 5D with a friend, Sana, who I had worked with before on a student project. We ran out of time to shoot everything but after seeing the footage, I'm pretty impressed and will add that to my 'to buy' list. In the meantime though I will just buy a cheap camera to shoot some quick test films before my mock trailer for Chase. Below are some of the pics, what do you think? (tomorrow I will add the edited video of what we finished)
Also in December I traded punches with a TKD guy as I searched for an actor to play the part of the enforcer in Chase. We shot some choreogrpahy I had written and got his neice to film it so we have a record of it, It turned out nice, the video is available to check out on my facebook page, but here's a couple snapshots to entice you until we get top film the real gritty short film sometime next month :)
I'm back to regular training now, my aim is to train at least 3 times a week, which will improve my fitness, keep my technique sharp and also let me fufill my 'do one thing for me' promise I wrote in my resolutions for this year. Here I am below with Chris after a light sparring session :)
So yeah, onward and upward! See you next post =) with some good news ;)

Hi, I'm Matt Kinsman, an Action movie fan and martial artist who moved to Auckland from Christchurch in March 2011 to study film-making and follow my dream of being an action director/actor. Chapter 2 covers my time in Auckland from March 2011 up until August 2013. This includes studying for film, working in film and other endeavors, hope you enjoy it :) To see anything current head to!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Kicking 2013 off in the right direction
At Auckland Skytower 31 Dec 2012 welcoming 2013
Happy New Year Everyone! :)
So much has happened since my last post, in all honesty it has been hard to keep up with anything online but February is almost here and I won't be doing any overtime at the bank so back to three days off a week so I can do my film stuff. Enjoying my new job, I understand IMT's, The different interest rates, cards and insurances now as well as all the nitty gritty protocol things. It was crazy at first but now I have found a rhythm so loving my work at the moment. And the team is unbeatable lol, Never have I worked somewhere and liked everybody, it sure makes liking work easier :)
Turning the world upside down at New Zealands Government Building, the beehive :)
New years is always a perfect time to reflect on all that you have achieved and all that you want to achieve within a given timeframe, so I thought I'd use this opportunity to share with you my resolutions to improve myself this year and reach my goals, maybe it could spark an idea for yourself for something you'd like to try?
2013 Resolutions and New Habits
Train JKD minimum 3 times a week.
Tagalog for at least 10 minutes a day.
Effort= you only get out what you put in.
Eat Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Every day, Stop skipping.
Eat healthy -protein meats, veges, fruits, sushi, etc don't turn to the easy options of Fastfood unless they are ful meals (eg thai/malaysian/chinese/sushi/roasts etc)
Drink Water and Juice, fizzy only sparingly.
Refrain from Swearing, Think before you speak.
Tidy the house up before retiring to bed at night. Start each day Tidy.
Keep car interior clean. Maintain Tidiness.
Keep work notes organized and up to date.
If you promise something, do it. Do not become a victim of excuses or procrastination.
Do one thing each day that makes you happy. (eg xbox/movie etc)
Do one thing towards your ultimate goal (actor/director) each day. A step closer is a step in the right direction and achieving your goal.
When spending money think, Do I NEED this or WANT this? Start a bigger habit of being in a saving frame of mind, your fortunes await. A dollar saved is a dollar earned.
Smile and stay positive. Drop encouraging words to friends and family. Be a good influence in their lives and the universe will return the feeling.
Don't condemn, criticize or complain. Attract the right energy.
Remember the zen monk when things feel bad- "This too shall pass"
So life continues here at Del Casa Kinsman, Went to the beach a couple days ago keeping the relationship fun, making improvements with my sales at work, settling into training regularly and working on my script, keeping my focus on my chief of aim of being New Zealand's Ultimate Action Star. Fill you in with my next post!
I'll also leave you with some cool motivational quotes I've come across recently, keep your mind healthy and the universe will provide ;)
Some people develop a wishbone where their back bone should be.
- Anonymous
If opportunity isn't knocking, build a door
Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
- Dale Carnegie
So life continues here at Del Casa Kinsman, Went to the beach a couple days ago keeping the relationship fun, making improvements with my sales at work, settling into training regularly and working on my script, keeping my focus on my chief of aim of being New Zealand's Ultimate Action Star. Fill you in with my next post!
I'll also leave you with some cool motivational quotes I've come across recently, keep your mind healthy and the universe will provide ;)
Some people develop a wishbone where their back bone should be.
- Anonymous
If opportunity isn't knocking, build a door
Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
- Dale Carnegie
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