Challenges may seem big and tough to overcome, but never forget your
size of thinking and how and when you apply your knowledge is your greatest weapon. So much Drama in the weekend and in life in general its great to be back to my old new routine :)
Today was fantastic :) I finished watching season one of burn notice, nailed my signal flow test (even though i was worried as, said every thing i was doing aloud and made a dry joke saying i had a cough and cold but not to worry as i wont die in the control room) and made it to JKD class (since i missed it on monday)
We focused on kicking today and sifu told me we will be sparring again next week, he also mentioned that when i see him on sunday to bring a flashdrive for the vid of my first spar which i will post here in the right context sunday night.
Im reading a book (always reading, watching movies/tv series on DVD/ martial arts work/ or chess/games) by Dale Carnegie, an old one called "How to stop worrying and how to start living", Its mainly for my wifes benefits as i dont worry so much since i have started this course, i learnt alot about who i am and what i can do through my GKR job but there were some points i wanted to share with you guys that might help you;
1) Sieze the Day! alot of people dont, either live today as if it were your last day on earth or if its the first of the rest of your life. Theres an amzing amount we take for granted as we let our worris trouble us, live in the moment and you will be surprised how you change and your fortunes will follow :)
"I keep 6 Serving men
(they taught me all i knew)
Their names are What and Why and When
and how and where and who"
-rudyard kipling
Mr Carnegie mentions this poem in his book which was quite cool i thought, when it comes to worrying about things
A) get the facts. most of the time you are worrying thanks to your imagination.
B) Analyze them. (So this is the problem, what are the different ways of fixing this?)
C) Arrive at a Decision then Act on it (even inaction (doing nothing) is an action so do something about it)
3) Co-operate with the inevitable. There is nothing to fear but fear itself, i wasnt prepared very well for my signal flow test, i had practised a couple times by myself when i should have done it with other classmates but though i present myself as an extrovert i'm really an introvert and when being the cover it always takes effort so by habit i always go natural, bottomline is i went into that test knowing i could fail, so i accepted it and tried to use it as an excuse to learn from whatever mistakes i made and i did, and i also passed :)
Accept the worst that can happen and improve on it.
Do what makes you happy, do what counts and by all acounts smile, I am going to work on my Dark Records Website now which you can see here ,what are you going to do?
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