I'm waiting for my fortunes to turn round but i keep up with the Bad Decisions. It's the Second time this year i've disobeyed my instinct and paid for it. (the first was 48hrs 2011-so much i felt like doing but didnt) Its only hit home now how broke i am, i was supposed to fly to christchurch last week and the ticket price was $116 all up (jet star incl 99 flight plus insurance and seat and credit card charge) This was my entire budget for the week but thought thats ok, when i get to christchurch i can get my footage, catch up with family and finally sell my assets (couch, fridge etc since cheaper to sell then move here to Auckland) Then the Ashcloud turned up, again. Jetstar said when i bought the ticket if the flight is cancelled they will txt and email me and offer a ticket exchange or refund. I turn up at 5 am at the airport and its no go.
What happened to the Air NZ transfer i read about? Its been 4 days since my friday am flight was cancelled and i have neither the txt,email nor the refund. So i've had to live on like 12 bucks from which i bought crumbed fish pieces and lambchops. I sooo can't wait til Thursday so i have some money again lol. I hate missing any JKD class and being stuck inside all weekend really brings out the vampire in me.

On Marriage. Don't marry young, thats my advice, the last 3 months have been drama drama and more drama. Its my fault, me and my dream but i dont need drama, I need action, things happening, solutions to problems not troublemakers....I really want to finish this course but i might have to drop out and get a full time job so the wife can move here cos Christchurch is turning her to the dark side lol, and then i'll just hope to start it again in a different semester. (In all likelihood i would probably quit and move on so i am doing everything i can not to)
On Film Projects. Had to rewrite my Everyones a Loser SAE short film since i can't find a door. Funny considering how This city is home to a million of them. So now shooting in front of the mueseum, Looks nicer anyway. Nervous about the fight scene as first time I'll be fighting with anyone outside of who I've worked with before, but the guy is cool so it should be fun.
After Location scouting yesterday for our class project we shot some scenes today, One where i chas the protagonist into a railyard and another where we meet in an alley. It's fun but pretty nervewracking...I'm not good with imaginary trains lol You'll see when the film is finished, hopefully we use one of the good takes :)
Anyway to finish up with, I'll write again next weekend. I'm Finishing alot of scripts at the moment so expect some cool videos in the coming months and that no matter how bad you feel sometimes, you know someone else in the world has it worse lol as in the cartoon below.

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