First professional Job Late last month (and today, My second :D) as a Shortland Street Extra! :) Shortland Street is New Zealand's leading Drama. (soap) A Hospital Drama which screens 5 nights a week for 15 years and still going strong. With viewings in Britain, Australia, Fiji etc It is arguably our most successful local TV production. And I, finally, had the stars align themselves in order to get selected. (I am stoked with my talent agency right now)
As an Extra you are pretty much background talent, making the scene with the actors more believable. For example, A scene in a bar between a guy and girl wouldn't be as realistic without the crowd behind them, notice how none of passing crowd look at the camera like you see in your live reports on the evening news? That's because they are paid (or unpaid in student cases) to be there because like it or not, subconsciously as a viewer you notice these things, and the idea of film and television is to immerse you in their world and the more you can relate the easier the transition.
I can't share too much of how the crew works but what I can tell you is that it was eye opening and I am quite excited/scared of trying to get into this industry, with all the organized chaos and intimidating equipment I'm not sure I have the confidence yet to direct something of that magnitude. I'm a trigger happy guy who just aims his camera and shoots shit. I can't imagine sitting in the directors chair while camera machines glide around you, boom mics and lights swing above you, assistant directors and producers surround you and actors and actresses ask you questions all the while keeping your composure and trying to get all the magic shots before the deadline, *deep breath* well, The team sure work for their art that's for sure ;) The more I work the more my confidence will grow.
The Hospital scenes I did background work in was a)being pushed in a wheelchair, and b) Walking from one end to another through the doors holding flowers, then today (If you will opportunities into existence, they will come) We shot in the Bar, talking with other extras over drinks and overall learning heaps. My confidence is growing, especially since being around established actors and not acting like a puppy dog though these guys are local stars (in my head I'm like holy of holies wow, I have the biggest crush on that girl and she's here? In front of me? She's even more beautiful in person!!! on the outside? I'm playing it cool like it's just another day at the office- not easy) :) I mean, When I told my mom I got work on Shortland St (her Favorite favorite show) She was excited too, though you can imagine my expression when she asked if I played the drug addict last night, I told her they shoot 6-8 weeks in advance So no, but keep your eyes open in 6 weeks for me :).
In More good news, I might get a part in another NZ show but this time not as an extra, my wife is excited for me and supports me but for this one I'm actually quite scared but like the saying goes (well, the book) Feel the fear and do it anyway! so more news WHEN that test screening turns out OK in October :) (Positive things happen to those who attract it with positive thoughts)
Went to Christchurch for My nieces 3rd birthday party, Caught up with the whole family and wife and relaxed, also caught up with my music business partner. Was a really great weekend, was a little sad on the flight back to Aux but as the wife says, no guts, no glory. The next 4 weeks are going to be a pressure cooker, but with pressure comes diamonds ;)
I have (in order) the following assignments to complete; my 3d production, Music Video, Tv Commercial, Film Essay, News production and the assignments keep coming!!!! So yeah, that's what I'm fighting with over the coming month.
Also on the personal project side I have to finish editing 'Mondays' (my gun test short film) and start work on the street fighter production as my hair is almost the right length now...
And to finish up with, JKD is going awesome at the moment, Learning wrestling over the last couple of Sundays which has been great and I'm all over Little Idea (Siu lim tao- Wing Chun's first form) like a rash, Been watching alot of fights lately too so can't wait to get on the dance-floor again and kick it, anyway, It's been real, see you in a week or so ;)
Don't forget you can waste time all you want but you can't buy any more of it, so make every moment count and achieve something of importance to your goals and dreams once a day, routine is a cancer so do something once a day that helps you grow as a person ;) And Just in case you forgot what a KO looks like....
Take control of your circumstances, Don't let them control you :) Kick them in the face! :P
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