Hey guys/girls :)

Been watching batman cartoons lately, The Bruce Timm ones, not all these new age ones -the true dark original ones, really awesome, miss this sort of cartoon, ahead of it's time really. Growing up it influenced me alot so now that I'm older and can appreciate it more I tracked down a copy of the DVD and am reliving the claps, laughs and good times :) Batman's voice (bruce timm) and The Joker and his voice haven't been equaled since, in either cartoons or the movies. Just throwing that out there. I been a big batman film since I could talk lol. And still am, Bring on The Dark Knight rises next year :) Also Expendables 2 is gathering momentum, Jason Statham vs Scott adkins? (Fantastic, big fans of both)and Donnie yen vs Jetl i? (again, always cool -OATIC2 and Hero) Just hope they shoot the fights so you can see all the techniques and drama clearly, looks great, and since Chuck norris is in there, I wonder if there will be any chuck norris jokes? lol Love action movies soo much :)
In other news that probably relates more to this blog, This is the latest Sparring video from August when we tried out wrestling in the ring for the first time. Considering there is no 'give' in the floor, I think me and Richard were just running on adrenaline, needless to say, lots of bumps and bruises the next day :) Sort of damaged my confidence a bit, but I fought Matt last week and by second round back to my mobile ghosting self, will post that video when i get Wednesday night if Sifu remembers ;) Also shot a short film for the club, testing out some techniques, I just have to add sound effects for punches/kicks/nunchuks etc and i will upload that too :)
Above is the finished music Video that Nazim and I shot for a school assessment. For the 2 hour shoot time and edited during the week before the due date, I think we did pretty well. Anyway, i will blog more next time, about the long lasting Street fighter project (school work and our schedules making getting together and shooting this more difficult than we anticipated), Go girls, and your first look at Chase (the script I will finish tonight, then i get to play dress up to test out different looks for the main character ;) haha)
Anyway, Life is going good and all sorts of opportunities and challenges await :) Keep following, I'm sharing my Blue print :) Yeah, good or bad, smile and enjoy it, live for the moment. There's a reason for everything if you widen your perspectives....a couple favorite quotes....
"A smile confuses an approaching frown." and "So many languages in the world, and a smile speaks them all" and lastly ;
"A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give." ~Author Unknown
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