Another week gone, another chapter closed. It's been a funny week, trying to find a balance between my work goals and my own personal goals. As Chris rock would say, this is my Career not my job lol But this is what has been taxing my mind this week, like the quote I have probably mentioned heaps on this blog already says, the hunter who chases 2 rabbits catches neither one, I worry that by trying to meet and exceed my targets for my job I am losing steam in my train for my filmmaker dream. But hey, I have a job and I plan on keeping it for the time being, however I get lost in my imagination a bit...
Like for real, I always think about that and other times about how awesome it would be to actually be filming instead of behind the counter asking people what they have planned for a weekend I'll never see lol
Melody comes back tomorrow from her overseas trip which is great, I look forward to seeing her smiling face again and already this week I have finally finished version 10.1 of Chase so feeling pretty good! 97 pages, no doubt I still have rewrites ahead but at least now I have something solid to show people, I have sent it away to a couple of parties to vex their minds and get some feedback on fleshing out their characters, In the meantime I'm hoping to start some promotional photos and early filming next week for my webseries. I've put the casting net out so let's see what curious fish we can catch :)
Trying to eat healthy is a challenge for me, but they say the best things to do are usually the hardest, and laziness is one of my vices when it comes to preparing meals, I'd much rather order takeaway for the same cost of preparing a meal/the time it takes and have a meal straight away. But still, I made a couple efforts this week, as below, the main is served :)
Was supposed to be saving money this week, some of it 'accidentally' slipped out of my pocket and bought the second season of nikita with it :) Guilty pleasure, reward for the hard week :) Such an awesome series! I get the same feeling watching this as I did from Alias, Prison break, burn notice, sopranos, chuck etc, Thats down to great casting, awesome writing and genuine empathy for the characters, plus the fighting scenes are good, even if they are cut way more than they needed to be but thats a hollywood thing these days :)
I finished reading one of my books I borrowd, Way of the peaceful warrior by Dan millman, really enjoyed it and definitely recommend it to you, it gave me the same feeling as 'the alchemist' and 'the last lecture' and spirtually uplifting books like that, a couple passages in the book I had heard before on my travels so I could relate alot. One of the key concepts I had been trying to grasp prior to reading this was being aware. The key to really living is to be engaged with everything, color, sight, smell, feeling, listening, everything.
He summed this perfectly when the protagonist of the story poses him the question,
,"what time is it? He answers ""Um its 2.35."
"Wrong! The time always was, is, and always will be now! Now is the time; the time is now. Is it clear?" There are no ordinary moments. When I read this passage it reminded me of something I read a long time ago when I was into figuring out zen, lol thats a riddle for another day, anyways I learnt that having enlightenment meant that for studied monks when the bell tolls they hear it for the first time, for example, when you live near a church like I used to, at 12 each day they would ring the bell, after the first intial toll, its loudness ringing in all directions, its tone rumbling through your ears, you would fully realize the sensation but eventually by the 3rd of 4th shake it becomes nothing more than a casual sound, whereas a monk heres each and every single toll as if it were the first time. And its that awareness that I'm seeking myself, I tend to glaze over things abit. I'm quite happy I wear glasses, cos wearing contacts means I have no choice but to experience the clearness and color of life around me everytime I put them on. The trick is carrying on that awareness :) anyways, Another passage I quite liked is quoted below
,"Happiness = Satisfaction divided by Desires."
"You are rich if you have enough money to satisfy all your desires. So there are two ways to be rich: you earn, inherit, borrow, beg, or steal enough money to meet all your desires; or, you cultivate a simple lifestyle of few desires; that way you always have enough money."
So back from the spirit to my material goal of being an actor/filmaker :) Remember how I said I was working on that action themed ad made by a japanese company? After a quick turnaround I finally have some footage to share with you :) Check it out below, You wont see any of us in it, we were there to make it look impressive and vast in size, but its pretty cool to see how it all turned out, arrows, horses, smoke, cannons, swords, rifles and all :)
Anyway, Until my next update which will probably be an Ivy Investigation casting update, take care and live life, don't just sit there for the ride, take the wheel! Til then see you....

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