Since my trip to Sydney 2 months ago I have been pretty much focused on work, keeping my work results good and tidying up my lifestyle so its clean/efficient, cutting out debt and sugary/fatty foods and returning to full fitness. So yeah, not too much time to devote to my cause at the moment, however, I am slowly working on things, productive and inching towards my goal when I can, because a dream without action is only a dream....
So BAM ! Parnell Rise (formerly Ivy investigation) has finally started filming! :) So happy, more info on BTS of the production can be found at but I have shared a couple things below, a promo wallpaper and a screenshot from editing Episode one, I just have to add sound effects, shoot Anna's mom scene and do titles and episode one is done. I'm currently working on a shooting schedule for the rest as finding cast memebers who are available when I'm available and can work for free is a bit of a mission, but hey, if it was easy eveywone would be doing it ;)
From visiting my local video shop I've found Emperor finally has a release date in NZ, Aug 28 on DVD, in case you didnt know why this matters to me is that I actually did some extra work in this movie and it paid for my (r.i.p) Car :) Also learnt heaps about professional US film crews and how they work, so I'm soooo looking forward to seeing the finished product, I will definately share some screenshots when it comes out...
Chris at JKD let me know that this years Sanda tournament is on the 28th of September, since entries for this close September 15th I am waiting til the end of the month to see where I am fitness wise. I haven't really sparred since November 2012 which is ages ago, I've finally started going to a couple of classes this week after not training all year but most of that time was spent on perfecting my dummy form, I'm hoping this Wednesday I can mess around in the ring with someone and see where I'm at. I consider myself a martial artists than an actor but lately I've been feeling like ti's the other way around, I need to rectify this, I'm currently looking at fencing classes or some other martial arts so I can continue to develop my style/approach to combat so when I do my films its exciting but most importantly, realistic, wish me luck!!
Lastly, I hope to finally finish something, either a short film, or this web series or at least start on my feature film, I'm here to be an Action star, not a salesman. Lately I've been feeling anxious and fearful, I don't know if its cos of my job, or cos I haven't been fighting in a class environment all year (it was GKR that originally showed what was possible) or maybe its just always seeming broke but I don't like it, thats not me, I need to bring that confidence back, that swagger that I came to Auckland with, the attitude in me that used to yell out I can do anything, be anything and conquer anything. And do that there's not better time to start than this space ;)
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