Hi, I'm Matt Kinsman, an Action movie fan and martial artist who moved to Auckland from Christchurch in March 2011 to study film-making and follow my dream of being an action director/actor. Chapter 2 covers my time in Auckland from March 2011 up until August 2013. This includes studying for film, working in film and other endeavors, hope you enjoy it :) To see anything current head to Mattisready.blogspot.com!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Streetfighter: Ryu vs Fei long - Week 1 and 2 Recap
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Tiger X Cobra - My first Aux Action/Comedy Short

X is the Main villain played by me, A Good guy by nature and a Bad guy by choice, X (his real name isn't known) is wanted on various crime sprees and for breaking the law. Somehow he always escapes from crown custody and the team is always stuck with the short straw of getting him back. The Police are thinking of using him as a source for information on key players in the local black market but they need to bring him in to see if they can get him to bend to their will.
STAY TUNED til next week when i should have a link to the finished video :) below are some fun shots we took while filming....
The new A-team :) TigerXcobra
Wu Xia was an Awesome film :)

When i bought my ticket to see my boy donnie on the bigscreen it was an awesome feeling, one of excitement and anticipation and one i hope to evoke in people when i myself can grace the big screen one day.
The Movie was great and played to a half full cinema which was great considering it was a chinese film with subtitles. Wu Xia had many twists and turns, with each character having a different perspective of the happenings in the village. The direction and acting in this piece was very good and i loved donnies character, the detective as well as the characters wife. The little kids almost stole the show with some amusing scenes.
But though i enjoyed the drama and ever changing plot that kept me engaged til the end, principally i watched this for the fight scenes, ( i haven't been to cinema since hangover 2 so i don't go unless its a really good movie at the moment like i knew wu xia was gonna be but just like the lost bladesman, it exceeded expectations) And the fighting choreography and the action direction was awesome, i wasnt sure at first but as the story goes by you can see some awesome work, the soundtrack in particular when donnie yen decides its badass time is golden and you cant help but feel excited by whats gonna happen next. Anyway if you get the opportunity do see it, i can't wait to add it to my DVD collection myself :)
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Now I Have shot my first Short Film in Auckland :)
DAY 1- Drama Scenes at the Auckland Domain. Where the Detective begs for Julia's forgiveness.
My Actor (Lee Ah Yen, an actor who is definately going places) and Actress (Safaa Humadi, an actress who though it was her first time really impressed me with her skills and manner) were both really talented and it didn't help that i had been nervous all week but we managed to get all the scenes done on the day which was great. From the moment we all met and went through the script there was some real chemistry and its to their credit that the footage i walked away with looked fantastic. Saf was very emotional ( i dont know how she pulled that off i felt guilty even though she wasnt really crying, it was just acting lol) and Lee responded with the same intensity which really made the scenes dramatic and work, then after i said cut! they would both crack up laughing and joke around, man, professionals, i find it hard keeping a straight face and i'm BEHIND the camera!
Was a very fun afternoon. I could have done without the helicopters chilling overhead and the slow drivers going through the shot but it is a public place so thats the risk. After this shoot i said to myself i will secure closed locations as i believe it would be easier, however look at all those free extras in the scene lol. Set Photo is below and was taken by a kind mother who sat with her 2 kids in the park having a picnic while i had my actors have a domestic fight in public haha awkward but this is the career i want right?
I had 2 Locations in mind, 1) A rooftop which i knew was empty on sundays though i couldn't ask for permission and 2) an abandoned area close to my house, i knew it looked cool but i was worried if it was safe to shoot there as i knew homeless people might be around due to alcohol dirty beds and grafitti everywhere. I thought hell, its the day time and it looks good plus theres 3 martial artists on set so i didnt think there would be any trouble if any one wanted to make trouble, here are a couple pics i had Lee take of me and Sam below in the location.