That is a picture from Friday on which we shot some scenes for Nazim Khan's (a Classmate who shares similar interests and is funny too) SAE project 'Pass the line' in which he has cast me as the lead character 'Bill.' This was an awesome opportunity as you know from my films i only ever do action roles without much dialogue so if i am to be taken seriously the more drama pieces i can get and practice with the better i will be. In Theory anyway :) Anyway i talked to him about doing a short film on sunday if he and his friend who used to go to SAE as well Ruchir and they were both keen so that night i wrote a script for an intended web series called TigerXcobra.

I haven't finished any films since moving up here to Auckland so I was looking forward to shooting this. After watching Wu Xia on Saturday i spent most of the night changing the script and story boarding it for the Sunday shoot. I also spent it swearing at the Streetfighter IV boss 'Seth' all night but that's a different story and in the coming month you will figure out why i'm playing it so much right now. Anyway, Sunday came around and I met up with Nazim and Ruchir outside Nazim's place. We shot it over about 4 hours due to much joking around at the locations and stuffing up our lines but the footage we walked away with was awesome and we will digitize them tomorrow, so god willing the film should be on my youtube channel at the end of the week. Some pics from our Exploits are below :) next time i hope to be able to get my hands on some fake guns so i can play with some after effects, but for now enjoy the buddy action/comedy i have written... see you next week :)

TIGER (above) as played by Ruchir Joshi, is the brawn of the team, He is forever doing the legwork and was up for a promotion when COBRA joined the team, The position of Chief of police is open again, he just prays his new partner doesn't screw it up, cos the pay sucks and he really can't be stuffed running after crooks all the time....A desk job is his main goal....

COBRA played by Nazim, is a new detective on the streets of Auckland, The Brains of the team he uses his skills to get out of work wherever possible, slacker is what most people call him, Hero is what he prefers...

X is the Main villain played by me, A Good guy by nature and a Bad guy by choice, X (his real name isn't known) is wanted on various crime sprees and for breaking the law. Somehow he always escapes from crown custody and the team is always stuck with the short straw of getting him back. The Police are thinking of using him as a source for information on key players in the local black market but they need to bring him in to see if they can get him to bend to their will.
STAY TUNED til next week when i should have a link to the finished video :) below are some fun shots we took while filming....

The new A-team :) TigerXcobra
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