DAY 1- Drama Scenes at the Auckland Domain. Where the Detective begs for Julia's forgiveness.
My Actor (Lee Ah Yen, an actor who is definately going places) and Actress (Safaa Humadi, an actress who though it was her first time really impressed me with her skills and manner) were both really talented and it didn't help that i had been nervous all week but we managed to get all the scenes done on the day which was great. From the moment we all met and went through the script there was some real chemistry and its to their credit that the footage i walked away with looked fantastic. Saf was very emotional ( i dont know how she pulled that off i felt guilty even though she wasnt really crying, it was just acting lol) and Lee responded with the same intensity which really made the scenes dramatic and work, then after i said cut! they would both crack up laughing and joke around, man, professionals, i find it hard keeping a straight face and i'm BEHIND the camera!
Was a very fun afternoon. I could have done without the helicopters chilling overhead and the slow drivers going through the shot but it is a public place so thats the risk. After this shoot i said to myself i will secure closed locations as i believe it would be easier, however look at all those free extras in the scene lol. Set Photo is below and was taken by a kind mother who sat with her 2 kids in the park having a picnic while i had my actors have a domestic fight in public haha awkward but this is the career i want right?
DAY 2- Action Scene at an Abandoned area with awesome look for our drug dealer and detective fight.
I had 2 Locations in mind, 1) A rooftop which i knew was empty on sundays though i couldn't ask for permission and 2) an abandoned area close to my house, i knew it looked cool but i was worried if it was safe to shoot there as i knew homeless people might be around due to alcohol dirty beds and grafitti everywhere. I thought hell, its the day time and it looks good plus theres 3 martial artists on set so i didnt think there would be any trouble if any one wanted to make trouble, here are a couple pics i had Lee take of me and Sam below in the location.
I had 2 Locations in mind, 1) A rooftop which i knew was empty on sundays though i couldn't ask for permission and 2) an abandoned area close to my house, i knew it looked cool but i was worried if it was safe to shoot there as i knew homeless people might be around due to alcohol dirty beds and grafitti everywhere. I thought hell, its the day time and it looks good plus theres 3 martial artists on set so i didnt think there would be any trouble if any one wanted to make trouble, here are a couple pics i had Lee take of me and Sam below in the location.

So Today was Fight Day, My cameraman bailed on me last night and my back up camera man couldnt say yes or no. I originally planned to fight Lee as the character Kevin however i changed to plan C and went to a friend of mine, Sam Jing and asked if he could play my character and i would shoot the scene as well as choreographing it, thank fully he said yes and after you see the footage in a month's time you will agree.
For his first time he was awesome and Lee helped alot with bringing that out, This was definately Lee's time to shine since I had choreographed some cool scenes and they pulled them off which was great (punch combos etc). Lee helped with bringing my drawings and ideas to life and showed me some cool ideas of his own which we chucked in there, The emotion and Intensity of this scene was incredible and probably the best fight scene I've directed yet! (i say that which each action film i do though lol, wait til you see King Style ;) haha) Below are photos we took after the scene was finished.
This scene also had the most pressure when it came to shooting, turns out there were homeless people living upstairs and our noise sort of rattled them out, but like i said we were friendly anyway so they just did their thing, A couple stood around and watched which was nervewracking. I was hoping they wouldnt get it confused for a real fight and start something but most got bored and left. The first one showed up out of nowwhere like 'he wasn't there before!' (turns out there was a side door we didnt see that everyone came down from upstairs from). Lee even gave the first one his lunch- what a nice guy man.
The other incident was that not only did we wake whoever was hiding upstairs but somebody called the Police on us! The cops showed up in the middle of one of the fight scenes when i had my back turned to them, i turned around and saw them and the one in charge smiled to his partner then to us and said "You're lucky, I almost tasered you". I said "Sorry I tried to get permission to shoot here but couldnt figure out who to ask" and then the cop said "You know there is some rough people around here right?" and I'm like "Yeah but we talked to a couple and they didnt mind, (Lee chipped in saying he gave someone his lunch lol) did someone complain?" then he's like "Yeah somebody called up and heard lots of shouting and fighting sounds so called us in" "They can hear us?" "We can hear you from the street" so i finished off with "Ok, whoops sorry, we'll keep it down, we'll just finish up" then they left. And we finished so a special thanks to Lee and Sam, sorry to put you through all that haha but the footage we walked away with was worth it. Promise :) All in all when it comes to my series or next short film I'll be sure to cast them, and this time hope to act with them too :)

In other news currently bumping on my sound radar is Eminem and Royce's Bad meets evil project, years after they started with classic tracks like scary movies, Nuttin to do etc the time is right again for them to collab after Royce and his group of super emcees Slaughterhouse were signed to shady records. This Album is Awesome, loving all the tracks! The weakest of them is lighters, hardout hiphop with the top lyricists in the game and then to hear his Bruno Mars pop voice show up? kinda takes you out the zone for a minute but yeah, 9.5 out of 10, this album is a definate must have :) anyway til the next entry, have a good week :)
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